Saturday, March 15, 2008


How often do we actually stop for a minute and just take life in? Too many times we get caught up in the ideas of moments that we forget to stop and just take it in. Take the time to listen to an old favorite song…but don’t just listen, actually listen. You’ll suddenly remember the reason that made you fall in love with it in the first place. Let your mind wander back to the time you first heard the song, back to the time when that song first had meaning for you, back to the time when the song, for those three and a half some odd minutes, was yours. Allow yourself to feel again. Life, for many people, becomes numb after awhile. It’s a natural part of life…but if you never stop to wake yourself from the monotony that makes up each day, each hour, each minute, you might just find yourself lost in a sea of white noise.

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