Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Have you ever wondered what would happen if you just said something (anything, everything) to someone?

I have.

What impact would it make on the friendship? What effects, positive or negative, would saying those words have on your future? Would they even matter? I sit here posing all these questions, but all for what? For another chance to further delve into the realm of "what if" and discover a world of missed opportunities? There comes a point when the human mind has done just enough thinking to push it over the edge and into a state of exhaustion. A point where you've exhausted all your options, yet you still retrace your steps, hoping you missed something. Yet, at that point, you realize something. You realize that with every ounce of energy spent, every last minute of time used up, you learned more about yourself. It may not be easy. It may not be the definition of a good time. It may not be what you wanted...but let's face it, when has it ever worked that way?

(Control + A, Delete)

It always ends the same.

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